My darlin' with the girl who played Gretel
in Playhouse in the Park's
The Sound of Music |
I took a darlin' with me this weekend to see The Sound of Music at Playhouse in the Park and it was a load of fun! He is only five so it was his first play. When the stage lights went down, he climbed in my lap and told me he was scared. I asked him if he could be brave and he answered "yes, I can". So when the curtains swung open, he let out a purely uninhibited "wow!" He told me the nuns with their lighted candles were "beautiful" and wanted to know why they had to run away. He put his hands over his head when the thunder and lightening made their show in the bedroom scene and told me to get my umbrella out! When the children performed their goodnight routine for the dinner party guests, he said "that looks like big fun, mama". When Rolf came in with his flashlight and it got dark, he turned to me and said "be brave" and then uttered a deep throated "uh oh" when they shined the light on the VonTrapp family. He swayed and even sang along to most of the songs and I could tell the rhythm goes down deep. There is nothing like seeing a child view theatre for the first time. I have seen this before with the oldest darlin' and a few times since. We love local theatre at the Playhouse and CCT and feel blessed to have these options locally. If you can make it to some of these shows, please do. It's a great support to our local talent and means so much more than a Hollywood movie. The Sound of Music is playing through the 14th of August and if you want more information, check them out online:
http://www.playhouseinthepark.org/ It is a show not to be missed!
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